Sunday, January 31, 2016

Vadai recipe

Recipe - Vadai (My garden to kitchen)
One packet of Vadai powder (200 Gm)
3 pieces of Kaffir lime Leaves ( also known as Tomyam leaves)
2 stems of tarragon leaves. 
2 stems of Curry leaves, ( may add more, if required stronger taste)
2 red chilies. 
2 green chillies. 
1 big white onion. 
220 ml of plain water. 

Cooking procedure
1. Mixture of following ingredients. Mix well with the Vadai powder. 
Cut onion to cubes.  
Slice kaffir leaves, tarragon leaves, chillies. 
Add curry leaves. 
Add water. 

2. Cover mixture for 20 minutes. 

3. Scoop mixture with spoon and deep fry at moderate temperature. 

4. Serve with fresh green chillies ( optional)

Saturday, January 30, 2016


Scientific name : 

Medical Benefit.
Help to control blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure in addition to its use as natural sweetener.

Methods of propagation 
1) Stem cutting using soil. 
2) Stem cutting using water and when roots are formed, transfer to grow in soil. 

Growing requirement 
This plant grows better with partial shade. 


Sunday, January 24, 2016

How to brew lemon grass drink by uncle tony

Recipe - lemon grass 
12 stalks of lemon grass ( Serai)
8 Pandan leaves
100 Gm of rock sugar
2 litres of water

- Cut lemon grass to halves and smash them. 
- place lemon grass, Pandan leaves and rock sugar in pot. 
- add water and bring to boil. 
- simmer for about 20 minutes. 

Serve hot or chilled. 

Wild Dill

Some people use them to steam fish. 

Methods of propagation 
1) Stem cutting using soil. 
2) Stem cutting using water and when roots are formed, transfer to grow in soil. 

Growing requirement 
This plant grows better under full sun. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Cat's whiskers

 Scientific name : orthosiphon aristatus  

Medical Benefit
1) Used to lower blood pressure. 
2) for gastric. 

Methods of propagation 
1) Stem cutting using soil. 
2) Stem cutting using water and when roots are formed, transfer to grow in soil. 

Growing requirement 
This plant grows better under full sun. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Indian snakeweed

by Uncle Tony

Scientific name : stachytarpheta Jamaicensis

- Flowers attract butterflies. 
- Believed to relief gastric - take two leaves. 
- May use as a traditional Chinese medicine for sports injuries like bump,
bruise, leg or hand injury. 
Recipe :
50 to 70 leaves
One large piece of ginger
Cooked rice, acts as paste
Rice wine, to soften mixture. 
Mix ingredients and pound. 
Apply on injury area for 24 hours. Use new mixture for each application. 
Methods of Propagation
1) By stem cutting using soil.
2) By stem cutting using water, when roots formed, transfer to soil.
3) By seeds.